Mounting Evidence


The dozen plus articles on our resource page demonstrate, without doubt, that social isolation is a killer. Sometimes literally, sometimes figuratively, but in both situations it destroys what could be productive lives.

CSIR realizes its need to have a strong internet presence and, to this end, we are pursuing a state-of-the-art website. It will be all our own! It will have pages and pages that connect with different peoples’ perspectives and needs: youth, parents, teachers, counselors, community-at-large and more. We will post guest stories, stories from you and from others. Stories of suffering and stories of help and overcoming. Stories of loneliness and stories of making pals.

All children and youth need to feel they belong to the interdependent web of life. No child is asked to be born. When they arrive in the world, we must help one another to ensure they feel welcomed and become integrated within their community.

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