Maine, Wet Cold Spring in Maine

I expected it and it’s here; spring in Maine is a month of gloomy days with the sky lightening for a few periods when the fog lifts. Preceded by real winters, spring is what makes Maine so free of picky people; they think twice before moving here. Summer vacationers run in and out. I am only here for six months, I know, but two of those six months have climate challenges.

It’s not bad though in the these two months. I won’t tell anyone I just came from hearing a marvelous quartet at the local arts center…Handel, Haydn and Mozart…at 11:00 on a Saturday morning, for free. And I am singing with the fun and beautiful voices in the choir of my UU church. And I won’t mention I have Eastern Bluebirds nesting in a bird house, phoebes in their own bird-made nest and cardinals nesting somewhere I can’t see. When resting on my budding oak, their dazzling unique purple-red hues over-shadow the whole tree. I saw a whole fox family playing in the marsh. The bouncy cub had none of the rusty red of the parents….. it was the color of the surrounding dead grass. Maine is people gathering to combat cabin fever and Maine is nature and if you love people and nature it’s good. I must learn how to add images. So much to learn.

Next I will return my focus to shyness.

I plan to give a workshop at this arts center called “Journaling with Minors” for ages 6-12. If Participants can’t write, they can bring a parent to be their scribe or I shall some some available for them. We shall develop stories that are interesting, truthful and kind.

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