January 16, 12 Soul-building

San Miguel awoke in mountain mist and my soul revealed:




Entwined once, for thirty years, for 30 times 365 days, the twosome

Now lives separately.

Still, their thirty year togetherness

Dwells in their souls.


Unmoved by geography,

Souls remain bound, for

Souls can only add, not subtract.

Forever my soul essence is his and his mine.


Blessed souls, they have dreams to purify their fabric!

Every night 365 nights a year they filter envy,

jealousy, hatred – the nasty agents of the mind–

keeping only love.


Helen Rivas-Rose January 2012 SMA


  1. Dear Helen,

    This is beautiful. Reframing what we consider to be life and what is important….

    Sometimes unprocessed feelings keeps us from going forward in life and blocks our joy in living.

    love Trusha xx

    1. Thanks, Trusha. It always helps when I can make sense of my thoughts, my life. Making poetry helps. Helen xx

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