Feb. 11/12 Drought

The Boardwalk is soaking wet and has been for several days. The rain is Mexico’s wish come true; the country was in the worst drought ever. Hidden plants are  surfacing, clamoring for their space.

People get dry too. Unlike plants we usually need more than just water to be wholesome, though many are the times I’ve jumped into a pool or the ocean and come out feeling more alive, more vivacious and gregarious.

What else does the trick? Breaks. It doesn’t seem to matter how long of a one, just have a total change.

Meditation. The world is full of new methods, special places and eager teachers. That too changes the mind’s outlook, refreshing it.

Holidays. Wonderful vacations, just don’t dwell on why you needed it.

Friends. Mutual support during down moments may be the very best method.

What do you think? What are your ways to get out of the dumps? Remember many who read the Boardwalk are shy, on the timid side or introverted.

One comment:

  1. Dear Helen

    Hmmm. You are right, people do get dry and drained. Emotions…. I’m thinking of the term, emotionally numb…. I suppose it is healthier to be drained rather than numb.

    Personally, I think we should not let it become a taboo. Talk it through. Self care is important. I find sleep would be good but I tend to find it difficult to drift off for rest.

    Join a small club, it can be daunting going on your won but thinking of the postive outcomes is a good motivation to get there.

    My sister, Joy has taken up knitting to switch off from distractions. It has helped her and refocus.

    I find some time alone helps, at this time my phones are switched off and I look out the garden and or sometimes just listen to a peice of serene music. When I can afford, I get a relaxing massage done. Something I don’t do normally. It becomes a real treat, giving me a sense of me.

    I am learning not to think too far in advance. I then think, what will be good for me now? Yes, I don’t feel like doing anything… but I do anyway. Like the yesterday – I wiped few photo frames and thought of good times. Surround myself with as much beauty as I can.

    I think of far away places, nice places. Right now travel is off my agenda but visulisation of good environments is pleasing.

    I have made a small list of things I’ve been wanting to accomplish… and gradually I’ve begun doing these things. You don’t have to do a lot, I am learning not to make too many plans that I wear myself out. I am slowing my life down.

    Helen, what’s also been helpful as you suggested, I sit up straight in bed and just breathe deeply… Thanks.

    Trusha xx

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